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Digital Load Cell Command Set and Specifications

Welcome to Totalcomp Scales & Components - Large Wholesale Scale & Balance Distributor

ALCP Advanced load cell protocol
Digital Load Cell Project Ver. 3.7

RS485 Communications parameters.
19,200 baud Default
38.4K baud selectable
57.6K baud selectable
96K baud selectable
115.2K baud selectable
8 data bits
no parity bit
2 stop bits
Total of 10 bits per byte

Digital load cell command set
aa = Two byte hexadecimal address (01 to FF)
dd = Data (integer decimal values).
cr = Carriage Return character.
If = Line Feed character.

Sample rates
Load sample rate is 60 samples/sec
Temp sample rate is 20 samples/sec

5VAC square wave 600 Hz


Red (+)

12 VDC power (95 ma per cell)

Black (-)
White (+)


Black (-)
Command Response Description
aaRcrlf aaD+/-ddlf Respond with Temperature compensated (if Mode = 0), calibrated data +/-400,000 nominal, +/-524,288 max
aa = 00 will have all load cells take a reading at the same time and then respond in sequence, separated by a If.
Set (aa = 00 will work but will not give response)
Command Response Description
aaSAaacrlf aa,OKlf Set Address (aa = 00 is not available)
aaSNddcrlf aaVNddlf Set Number of temp samples averaged(1-30,000)(set = 2,400)(2 min)
aaSRddcrlf aaVRddlf Set Response byte count delay before transmission. (1-100)(factory set = 10) Allows time for indicator to switch from transmit to receive mode and not miss any data from first load cell.
Tell (aa = 00 is not available)
Command Response Description
aaTUcrlf aaVUddlf Tell Uncompensated & uncalibrated load data. aa= 00 will have all load cells take a reading at the same time and then respond in sequence, separated by a If.
aaTTcrlf aaVTddlf Tell temperature in Deg C x 100.
aaTCcrlf aaVCddlf Tell raw temperature data counts
aaTNcrlf aaVNddlf Tell Number of temp samples averaged(1-30,000)(factory set = 2,400)(2 min)
aaTMcrlf aaVMddlf Tell Mode (0 = temp compensated, 1 = Not temperature compensated).
aaTGcrlf aaVGddlf Tell Gain of pga in Crystal ADC (1,2,4,8)(factory set = 2)
aaTVcrlf aaVVddlf Tell Version of software. 3.7
aaTRcrlf aaVRddlf Tell Response byte count delay before transmission. (1 - 100)(factory set = 10)
Baud Rates
After baud rate is changed the unit must be powered down and then restarted to have the new baud rate in effect.
aaSB0 aa,OKIf Set baud rate to 19,200 baud. Factory set to 19,200 baud
aaSB1 aa,OKIf Set baud rate to 38,400 baud
aaSB2 aa,OKIf Set baud rate to 57,600 baud
aaSB3 aa,OKIf Set baud rate to 96,000 baud
aaSB4 aa,OKIf Set baud rate to 115,200 baud
Smart Filters
Command Response Description
aaSFddcrlf aaVFddlf Set number of load samples averaged in High filter (1-30,000) (Factory set = 100)
aaSJddcrlf aaVJddlf Set number of load samples averaged in Low filter (1-255) (Factory set = 6)
    x = y + (z-y)/s Equation for calculating filtered reading
Where             x= new filtered reading
                      y= old filtered reading
                      z= new reading
                      s= sample size
This equation is calculated with every reading taken by the A/D. 60 readings are taken each second by the A/D. The 'R' response command will get the latest filtered reading.
aaSSddcrlf aaVSddlf Set number of load counts for window (1-30,000)(Factory set=100) Ex: if R=100,000 window is 99,900 to 100,100
aaSWddcrlf aaVWddlf Set number of load counts outside window (1-255)(Factory set=10) Window counter will count net counts outside window. Range of window counter is 0 to 10
Engage High filter when counter =0
engage Low filter when counter =10
Tell (aa=00 is not available)
Smart Filters
Command Response Description
aaTFcrlf aaVFddlf Number of load samples averaged in High filter (1-30,000)(Factory set=100)
aaTJcrlf aaVJddlf Number of load samples averaged in Low filter (1-255)(Factory set=6)
aaTScrlf aaVSddlf Tell number of load counts for window (1-30,000)(Factory set=100)
aaTWcrlf aaVWddlf Tell number of load counts outside window (1-255)(Factory set=10)
Switch to Modbus Protocol interface
Command Response Description
SZ1crlf   Power has to be removed and then reapplied to enter Modbus mode. See separate Modbus User's Manual.
Additional Commands
aaAUTOddcrlf aaVAUTOddlf Set to continuous output or demand output. 0=off 1=0.1sec update 2=0.2sec update... 100=10.0sec update

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