TBSM Totalcomp tank mount only

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Ball and Socket Mounting assembly for single ended beams w/threaded load hole, TSBSS, 
NSB-SS, 65023-SS, 9123. The weighing vessel will be on a top mounting plate that has a ball and socket for alignment. The ball and socket has a threaded rod that screws into the load cell. Stainless steel. Add load cell from Beam section.

*Small Envelope 5,000lb cap

Part Number Capacity Weight SKU Available Price Buy

TBSM-4K-SS Ball & Socket Mt 250 lb/4K

250 - 5,000SE lb 13 Lbs 3514 Call $822.00 Buy

TBSM-10K-SS Ball & Socket Mt 5K/10K SS

5,000 - 10,000lb 19 Lbs 3515 Call $743.00 Buy