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AP Dillon dynamometer 10″ 2,000×10 lb

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AP Dillon dynamometer 10″ 2,000×10 lb




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Capacity 2,000 lb x 10 lb
Shackles on each end
Portable 5″ or highly visible 10″ dials.
Constructed of high strength composite (5″) or rugged cast aluminum (10″) to resist heavy blows.
Limitless versatility as a tension, and weight measuring instrument.
Used for diverse jobs such as stringing utility line, mounting cables for bridges, adjusting tension on guy wires, field testing chain, rope or wire and anything requiring precise force or tension measurement.
Offers accurate readings from varying sight lines.
Dial is mar and fog resistant.
Can cancel preset loads up to 20% of capacity.
Remains in position to indicate peak load point after load is removed from instrument.
Includes users guide and signed calibration card, Dynamometer, shackles and pins, maximum pointer, zero adjust for tare, molded plastic carrying case on 5″ models and calibration certificate traceable to NIST.


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